How we came to be
The Human Rights Game was the idea of Andrea Chorney, Connecticut, USA based public-school educator and counselor. Soon after pitching the idea to Hugh Kingsley, founder of the Australian and USA company, The Brainary®, Hugh said, “I’m in it if we make a schools based educational game, which has solid underpinnings”. Andrea agreed. As soon as Hugh worked out the methodology for the forthcoming game, he wrote to Mr Miroslav LAJČÁK past President, The General Assembly of United Nations and received a wonderful reply letter of encouragement. After many hours of discussion, writing, editing and evaluating, this highly engaging and timely game was trialled with schools in both the USA and Australia (see acknowledgments – instruction booklet) before it finally became a certainty.
The Human Rights Game is an imprint for The Brainary – a distributor of educational, STEM and practitioner-based resources. The Brainary is also the publisher of a number of our printed resources. Please reach out to us with ideas and suggestions at info@thebrainary.com.

Andrea Chorney, B.S., M.S., having been a public-school educator, counselor and adjunct professor (Southern Connecticut State University), prides herself in having been a life-long advocate of international human rights and children. Andrea has co-authored more than thirty educational workbooks and games covering a wide range of social issues under the aegis of Franklin Learning Systems. She has sat on state advisory boards and has been selected twice as Highland School’s Teacher of the Year within the Cheshire, Connecticut, USA school district.

Hugh Kingsley is an educationalist and the founder of The Brainary®. Hugh is passionate about making a meaningful difference in the world, which he goes about achieving through education and healthcare resources, technologies and publishing. Hugh is well published in both academic and non-academic journals and has served on both ministerially and non-ministerially appointed boards of management. In 2016 past Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull presented Hugh’s team with a National Disability Award for its innovative work in the field of robotics and disabilities.